Our approach
We are on the mission to innovate your business. Our approach to such process is structured but very creative. We are driven by results, but always focused on strategy and the Big Picture.
We also believe that innovation needs its space and structure, similar as education. Thus, we always cultivate innovation in organic way. Because only perfect innovation process will fuel your company growth in a long term.
Who is it for
- Small and medium size companies with or without basic innovation management knowledge or skills
- Large size companies with specific needs to focus or shift to other areas rather than their mainstream business
- Government bodies and agencies focused on open innovation
- International organizations focused on change
- Project based associations and non-profit organizations
- Strategically important initiatives or large community projects driven by structured groups or organizations
How we do it
We help companies innovate in a way to build and mentor their own innovation capacities. We advise our clients to focus strongly on their own capacities as it’s the best way to maximise your RoI. With existing capacities and implemented innovation management processes, company will be able to spread it’s growth activities in other directions and focus to other fields of interest.
Source: PwC Innovation Benchmark